Sunday, June 30, 2013

ER visit

Well this weekend Kiana had to go to the ER and get stitches. Apparently she was climbing up the ladder on the bunk beds and went to jump off of the ladder to my bed and miss calculated and cut behind her ear. She cried when it happened, but got hysterical when I said that she needed to go to the hospital. She got so upset about having to go to the hospital that she ended up with a bloody nose as well, so needless to say, by the time we finally got to the ER she was covered in blood and most of it was actually from her nose and not her ear. Anyway, when we got there she refused to put on the hospital bracelet. When it was time to get the stitches she actually did quite well. she cried a little bit when they gave her the lidocaine shot, but after that she actually fell asleep while they were putting in the stitches.

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