Monday, March 7, 2011


Ok so i've been slacking on updating the girls blogs.
Kiana is doing well. She loves school and is talking more and more all the time. She also went to the eye doctors this month and found out that she has a stigmatizm in both eyes and will be wearing glasses. Today she had to get her MMR shot again because the stupid doc in Alabama didn't write a date on her record when they gave it to her the first time. I'm glad that she doesn't need anymore shots until she starts kindergarten. Kiana still has a short temper when she doesn't get what she wants when she wants it and loves go diego go and dora as well as chuggington. She is trying to say her abc's but it still comes out sounding like she is just repeating abc over and over again.  Kiana loves Nursery at church and the nursery leaders especially Erin.  She also really enjoys playing her preschool games on the ipod as well as playing with her trains and she'll occasionaly play with her babydoll that has jus been laying around for a really long time.

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