Thursday, May 28, 2015


Monkey is doing great. She met with the Orthopedist a few days ago and she said that as long as they aren't causing her any pain that they aren't going to do anything. They did give us an order form for some device to put in her shoe that would hold the problem toe in place, but due to her sensory processing disorder and her dislike of anything touching her feet I don't know if it will happen, but its worth a try. In July we meet with the geneticist to see what is going on there an see if she has any genetic abnormalities. She also needs to meet with a developmental pediatrician, but we have been having issues getting an appointment with him. She also met with her Neurologist due to her frequent headaches, she basically said for her to get lots of sleep and drink lot of water and to email her if it doesn't help.  Monkey Loves her teachers this year. Her one teacher had cancer last year so this year she has had to miss work due to doctor appointments and every time she's not there kiana gets upset and says that she's not going to school until she comes back. With Kiana we have discovered that we have to keep to an extremely strict schedule and if we go off the schedule even the slightest little bit we have a very irate 7 year old. Monkey also loves six flags and asks everyday if its the day we get to go. For the most part Monkey is a sweet and loving girl. She is the most loving person in this house and is such a joy to have around(most of the time).

this is the device that they expect my child
with sensory issues
to where.

Sunday, May 3, 2015


It has been along time sine I've posted an update for monkey. Monkey is now 7 and in first grade. She loves her teachers and has a couple of friends. She is still having some health issues. She tires very easily and gets bloody noses almost daily. She is also having issues with her feet and meets with a orthopedic doctor this month. In a few months she will also be meeting with a geneticist to see if there are any genetic problems going on.  Monkey loves to learn and play outside. She is very glad that her teacher is back, but sad she won't be there on Monday. I'm so glad that she is close to her teachers this year and that her teachers love her as much as they do.